About Diploma Computer Engineering
The Computer Engineering Program includes Computer Operations on different languages, data, generation,collection & utilization of information. The course imparts all the basics as well as latest knowledge pertaining to the rapidly developing field of computers. The Courses are designed to keep students in pace with the practical field. The backbone of the course is the through understanding of computer& its Engineering.
This Program covers a wide spectrum of topics in Data Communication, Computer Networking, Operating Systems, Microprocessor Programming& Applications, PHP, Visual Basic, ASP.net, System Programming, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics & Multimedia, Various Packages and Software Like Oracle, Java, VC++ etc.
HOD Message
Learning Computer Engineering is one of the best academic Curriculum as it is like you are creating something new by own hands. Many technologies made available to the world right now so ,to compete with it and keep updated computer engineering open a variety of doors to your life based on your interest.
- Prof. Mit H. Dave
To Develop Computer Engineering Department in to World Class Learning Center with an excellent ambiance and research conjugated with vibrant environment for honing the extra and co-curricular skills of its stake holders to enable them to meet the challenges of fiercely competitive work.
"To leave no stone unturned in our endeavour to ensure that every alumnus looks back at us and says “Department has not merely taught us, it has educated us”.
- ADVANCED Workstations Connected in LAN & WI-FI Network
- Multimedia Classrooms
- 24 Hours Internet Access
- E- Learning& E- Support
- Live ProjectTraining
- Interconnected Laboratories Through Linux & Windows Servers
- Computer Labs Equipped with Xeon & Dual-Core Processors
- Hardware Lab
- Networking LAB
- C Programming LAB
- Advance Computer Programming LAB
- Software Development LAB
- Mobile Computing (Android) LAB
- Advance Database(Oracle) LAB
- Microsoft (.Net) LAB
- Internet Technology LAB
- Object Oriented Programming LAB